Tue.Jun 25, 2024

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Sales Transformation: The Rise of the Full Cycle Salesperson


Discover how the resurgence of the full-cycle salesperson is changing the sales landscape in modern businesses.

Sales 264
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How to build a B2B brand that delivers lasting value


The digital banking revolution promised a financial dream: Manage everything from anywhere with sleek apps. Fueled by the ease of Venmo and Zelle, I (and many others) dove in, expecting a smooth switch for our personal and business finances. But after exploring numerous online banks over many years, each promising convenience and streamlined management, reality disappointed.

B2B 109

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New tROAS Insight Box for shopping campaigns in Google Ads

Search Engine Land

Google has introduced a new tROAS (target Return on Ad Spend) Insight Box for Performance Max and Standard Shopping campaigns, offering advertisers enhanced visibility into campaign performance. Why it matters. This update provides ecommerce advertisers with a clearer understanding of their ROAS performance relative to their targets, potentially enabling more informed optimization decisions.

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Pride Month is about authenticity, not “rainbow washing”


Phil Schraeder is CEO at GumGum, the contextual intelligence company. He joined GumGum as COO and CFO and has been with the company almost 14 years. Previously, he had worked in a number of finance roles and has a bachelor’s degree in accountancy. In the midst of Pride Month, we spoke with him about being gay and out in the advertising and marketing tech space (interview edited for length and clarity).

Finance 93
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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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Google Ads launches Cross-Media Reach Measurement for video campaigns

Search Engine Land

A new Google Ads tool – Cross-Media Reach Measurement – lets advertisers measure deduplicated, on-target reach and frequency across video campaigns. Why it matters. This tool helps advertisers understand the efficiency of their YouTube video campaigns compared to TV, providing a comprehensive view of brand campaign performance. Why we care. This tool essentially empowers advertisers to make more data-driven decisions, potentially leading to more effective branding campaigns and better use of adv

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How to Scale from 0 to 100 Employees with Speedinvest


Scaling a company from 0 to 100 employees is no small feat. Markus Lang at Speedinvest shares the top 10 golden rules for doing just that at this week’s Workshop Wednesday , held every Wednesday at 10 a.m. PST. While these top ten tips may seem obvious, many founders overlook the importance of some of them as they scale their businesses. To start, let’s set some context for the startup lifecycle.

Growth 82

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A new tech stack for cold email outreach is taking shape


Armies of business development reps and sales development reps (popularly known as BDRs and SDRs) reach out across the globe every day, trying to drum up business for B2B companies. It’s a popular tactic among SaaS vendors, in particular, especially smaller vendors that lack a sizable advertising budget. Their BDRs and SDRs — or agencies they hire to fill that role — run cold outbound plays using phone calls, email and social media (usually LinkedIn), most often with the goal of booking demos or

GTM 80
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Selling Math, Can We Do Better?

Partners in Excellence

We focus on scaling and growth. We revel in incredible growth rates, doing better than we did last year, having aspirations to do better next year than we did this year. We are hitting the numbers, maxing our comp plans, keeping our investors happy. We engage in high fives and chest bumping all around. Of course, that it getting more and more difficult.

Sell 68
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Dear SaaStr: Why Do Venture Capitalists Seem To Be Switching Firms More Frequently Than Before?


Dear SaaStr: Why Do Venture Capitalists Seem To Be Switching Firms More Frequently Than Before? Having been there, a few reason the trend has accelerated — to a point: More anchor “limited partners” willing to fund to partners that want to spin out. LPs are willing to double down on the top partners when they start their own firms. More generational change issues.

Growth 72
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The truth behind martech stack composability


The martech landscape has long been caught between two competing narratives: the promise of all-in-one marketing suites and the flexibility of point solutions. But there is a more nuanced reality that challenges both these perspectives. Composability, it turns out, isn’t just a buzzword or a strategy — it’s the actual practice of successful companies navigating the complex world of marketing technology.

B2C 74
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How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

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7 LinkedIn Ad settings and tactics you didn’t know you needed

Search Engine Land

LinkedIn Advertising presents marketers with new and exciting opportunities to reach target audiences. New features and updates are available to level up your campaigns, drive engagement and reach business goals with greater precision and impact. Let’s delve into the latest releases from LinkedIn Ads – including the ones you may have missed. 1. CTV ads You read that right: streaming, now with the power of LinkedIn’s audience targeting.

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Google AI Overviews are an evolution, not a revolution

Search Engine Land

After all the huffing and puffing, Google’s SGE-turned- AI Overviews rolled out across 84% of searches – only to be rolled back to 15%. Temporarily. Most likely. For now. Equally likely to roll out someday soon. Let’s all take a collective pause and take a deep breath. It’s all gonna be OK. For all SEO has changed over the past two decades, it actually hasn’t changed all that much.

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How to use the ‘perfect click’ to optimize for AI-assisted search results

Search Engine Land

The perfect click refers to a click from a SERP that takes the user directly to the single best webpage or resource that directly solves their problem. The ultimate aim of assistive search features like Google’s AI Overviews and Bing’s Copilot is to bring the user down the funnel and get them to the Perfect Click without leaving the search interface (for now, that is a SERP).

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Google dropping continuous scroll in search results

Search Engine Land

Google Search will stop its continuous scroll user experience where Google loads more results as you scroll past the first page of the search results. Instead, you will see see the classic and old pagination bar at the footer of the Google Search results. Desktop first. Starting today, Google will start to turn off continuous scroll for the desktop Google Search results.

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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an